Financial Experts in the Probate Process

Concept of Living Trust & Estate Planning write on paperwork on a book isolated on Wooden Table.

You Are Not a Mistake. Mistakes Are Mistakes!

Whenever I made a new hire in any of my businesses, I made it a point to emphasize that I basically had two rules for everybody in the company. If you live by these two rules everybody will be happy campers and we will all grow and prosper together. Breaking rule number one leads to immediate dismissal. Breaking rule #2 can create interesting possibilities for you, depending on what you do when the situation arises.

Rule #1 doesn’t apply to this conversation so we will steam full speed ahead into Rule #2, which is about making mistakes and it comes from one of my basic beliefs. I also wanted to lower the anxiety level a new hire may have, because high anxiety could lead to making mistakes that would otherwise not have happened. As I mentioned, I believe these principles with my entire being, and I strive to utilize them in everything I do. The following is what I tell people who have been hired, no matter the position.

The way I look at it, you are a person. You are not a mistake. Mistakes are mistakes, and they always present us with opportunities to learn and grow, if we decide to regard them that way. Without mistakes learning is very inhibited. Now you’re coming into a brand-new organization with a culture that’s different than any place you ever worked. It must be because the people are different from any place you’ve ever worked.
So, I expect you to make mistakes, it’s inevitable. The only thing in question is when it will happen. Rule #2 states that whenever you make a mistake you need to do two things. First, you need to let me know about it because if I don’t know about it I can’t do anything to fix it. The worst thing for you is that I should hear about an error you made from a client because that could potentially have an adverse impact sales and income. Neither of us wants that to see happen.
Also, there’s nothing to fear because there isn’t a mistake you could possibly make that I can’t fix. In fact, the biggest mistakes that have ever been made in this company, have been made by me. It may sound a little odd to you, but I have used all of them to create an even better relationship with our customer, leading to increased sales for the company. This is as it should be.

If You Want to Hear God Laugh, Make a Plan!

A usual, I told that story to make a point that introduces this page of the website. They are about my own errors, the biggest ones being financial in nature. I’ve made more monetary errors in my life than I’ll ever publicly admit, the worst being a period of time when I lost my own personal direction about planning for the future, which is something that is vital to everybody, everywhere.
We need to make sure that we are ready for anything that can happen because we never know what can happen. Does anybody possess the power to predict the future? Just look at whatever you are doing today and ask yourself: “Could I have predicted that I’d be where I am, doing what I am doing, five years ago?” I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine from Guatemala about this very subject.
We both had a very hearty belly laugh when we looked back just five years and knew for certain that we never could have imagined ourselves doing what we’re doing today. The laugh was followed by an overwhelming feeling of gratitude that we didn’t have that power, because our small human brain could never have imagined our present circumstances.

Mistakes happen all the time. We all make them, some a little more impactful than others. However, you may not agree with me now, but I can promise you that if you look back on the mistakes you’ve made in your life as impartially as possible, you will find that all the mistakes you’ve made have been the best learning opportunities you’ve ever had. I also believe that the greater the mistakes we make, the more expansive are the learning opportunities available.
So, don’t make the mistake of waiting to plan out your financial future. Do something about it today. Take action! You will not be restricted to the plans you make because you met with a Financial Planner and created a Last Will and Testament. You can always come back to it five years from now and change it. In fact, you will most certainly need to come back to it five years now and make the adjustments that reflect your life at that time. Remember, you cannot predict the future, and creating a will today simply protects what you already have and ensures that it will go to whomever you choose.
Working with a certified financial planner is about the best advice I can give you. It doesn’t matter what your income level is or what you have for assets. A good Financial Planner who is not simply a shark interested in making a dollar from you, can help you with your life in ways that you can’t possibly know, most of which you don’t even know you don’t know. And I have been very diligent in my efforts to enlist a fantastic Financial Planner for the Estate Settlement Partners Network.

All you need to do is make one phone call.

It’s the greatest pressure relief valve known to man!